Visitors Information

And Directions

Located on beautiful Clearwater Beach, Clearwater Yacht Club is located on a protected, deep water canal, 500 yards from Clearwater Pass.

By Car

From downtown Clearwater follow the signs to the beach (SR60). Once on the beach turn left onto Gulfview Blvd and make a left turn onto South Bayway Blvd. You may also print a map and get detailed driving directions from your location.

By Boat

If approaching from the Gulf of Mexico, enter Clearwater Harbor through the Clearwater Pass. Proceed under the fixed span Clearwater Pass Bridge (74 feet vertical clearance), turn to port at marker #10. Proceed to markers #2 and #3 at Clearwater Point and follow that channel to marker #7. Turn to port and keep the small private markers #1 and #3 close aboard on your port side. Proceed heading west directly to the Yacht Club.

If approaching from the Intracoastal, turn west at marker #12. Follow that channel to marker #2 at Clearwater Point, turn north and then proceed as above.

Our Dockmaster monitors VHF channel 16 (working channel 71) from 0900 to 1600 Tuesday through Sunday and will be happy to assist you.

Take a Look At

Our Events

CYC Commodore’s Cup Race

March 28 - March 31

Grand Breakfast Buffet

March 30 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Club Closed

March 31