Drone Footage of the 2021 CYC Boat Parade
Dear Boat Captain,
Join us for the 50th annual holiday boat parade hosted by the Clearwater Yacht Club. This spectacular boat parade is a lighted, nautical event celebrating the spirit of the holidays on the water. CYC is delighted to have you, your boat, and your enthusiastic crew participating in the 2024 CYC Boat Parade.
The competition is growing and so are the categories this year.
Parade Prizes

“Our cruising fleet is excited to light up the water again during the Holiday Boat Parade, and it’s going to be an amazing evening with Laura Moody as Grand Marshall for this premier community event. Look for Laura Moody as Grand Marshall on the 82’ Monte Fino Yacht Andiamo throughout the parade”.
The 2024 Grand Marshal will be Laura Moody of Fox13 Tampa Bay.
The parade launches just north of the Mandalay channel bridge, following its traditional route heading north, then through the Island Estates community, then to the Memorial Causeway bridge, then back towards the beach, turning around at the City Fuel Dock, and then down to the judging area in front of the Clearwater Yacht Club. Boats will be judged as they pass by the Clearwater Yacht Club. Cash, trophies, and prizes will be awarded for several categories, including a Grand Prize.
Levels of Sponsorship
Slip Information
The Clearwater Municipal Beach Marina has limited overnight slip available for the night of the parade on a first-come, first-served basis for parade participants who prefer not to navigate home after the parade.
For general boat parade information, email us at CYCBoatParade@gmail.com.
Clearwater Yacht Club wishes you and your family the happiest holiday season, and we look forward to your spirited participation in this fun event!
…to everyone who came out to watch or participate in the 49th Annual Holiday Lighted Boat Parade on Saturday, December 9th, 2023. This lighted, nautical event celebrated the spirit of the holidays, and with the help of our fourteen sponsors raised $15,000 for youth sailing scholarships at the Clearwater Community Sailing Center for young people from the Boy & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast! We would like to extend a special thanks to Laura Moody of Fox13 Tampa Bay who was once again our Grand Marshal aboard Lance Becatti and Jay Coats’ 82’ Monte Fino Yacht Andiamo throughout the parade, and for having CYC on FOX13 News, December 8th to promote the parade and present the “big check” on live TV!”